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2024 Draft Proposal: End of NHR?

October 25, 2023
3-minute read

Hello dear readers and future residents of Portugal!

Today, we're exploring an important topic that's been buzzing in the expatriate and international professional communities: the evolving landscape of Portugal's Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) regime.

If you're considering calling Portugal your new home, this shift in the country's tax incentives could impact your decision. But worry not! We're here to guide you through these changes, ensuring you have all the information needed to embark on this exciting journey confidently. 🌟

A look back at the NHR: The Golden Era

Introduced in 2009, Portugal's NHR regime was a beacon for expatriates worldwide, drawing in digital nomads, retirees, and skilled professionals with its attractive tax breaks. Who wouldn't be lured by the prospect of significant tax reductions on foreign income, or a flat 20% rate on certain domestic earnings, valid for a decade? It was, indeed, a golden era for new tax residents in Portugal.

2024 onwards: adapting to change

As we embrace 2024, Portugal prepares to turn a new leaf in its fiscal policy. The much-discussed phase-out of the NHR regime is on the horizon, but it's not a closed door—rather, an evolution. The new Draft State Budget Law indicates that existing or incoming NHR beneficiaries until December 31, 2023, won't be left in the lurch; they're grandfathered into the original benefits for their remaining term.

But what's next for new residents from 2024 onwards?

A series of fresh fiscal incentives! For example, newbies to Portugal can look forward to a 50% slash in taxable income for five years. There's more for the academically inclined or research professionals, with specific benefits carved out just for them. The goal remains consistent: making Portugal an attractive hub for diverse talents and savvy investors.

What this means for you

If you're reading this, chances are, Portugal is on your radar, and understanding these changes is crucial. The end of the NHR isn't a halt; it's a shift in narrative. The new incentives paint a future where Portugal continues to value international residents, pivoting from a broad, one-size-fits-all approach to more tailored, strategic fiscal benefits. The charm of Portugal extends beyond taxes—think culture, community, and that famed quality of life. 😊


Change is constant, and Portugal's evolving tax landscape is a testament to that. Whether you're a digital nomad, a retiree seeking a sunnier lifestyle, or a professional looking for new horizons, staying informed about these changes is key. And while the NHR regime's sunset is indeed a shift, remember, every sunset gives way to a new dawn. As always, we're here to guide you through these transitions, making your journey to becoming a Portuguese resident as smooth and rewarding as possible. Here's to new beginnings in this beautiful country! 🌅

Thinking about making the move and need more insights or assistance? Don't navigate these waters alone! Contact us at Porelo, and let our team of experts provide the guidance and support you need. Dive into a seamless transition to life in Portugal with Porelo—your trusted partner in this journey. 🤝


The information provided in this article is accurate as of October 2023. However, please be aware that fiscal policies, including the NHR (Non-Habitual Resident) program, may change over time.

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